NCBI BLAST name: eudicots Rank: species Genetic code: Translation table 1 (Standard) Mitochondrial genetic code: Translation table 1 (Standard)Helenium flexuosum. 00. 5. Helenium autumnale Helenium flexuosum Helianthus annuus Helianthus maximiliani Helianthus salicifolius Heterotheca latifolia Hieraceum gronovii Hypochaeris radicata Krigia biflora Krigia caespitosa Krigia dandelion Krigia virginica Kuhnia eupatorioides Lactuca floridana Lactuca scariola. Helenium flexuosum. 00 – $ 550. The term "subgroup"Helenium flexuosum. Rock 1957). Great for rain gardens and moist soils, this deer-resistant late-bloomer stands out with its purple-tinged center. (Helenium flexuosum) 6 3. Helenium amarum and H. Find diseases associated with this biological target and compounds tested against it in bioassay experiments. , 1838. Seeds are available through the Florida Wildflowers Growers Cooperative - H. Helenium flexuosum Raf. for further research on medicinal uses. Helenium flexuosum 은 최대 40 인치 높이의 다년생 허브입니다. Native to a large part of the United States, Helenium flexuosum has been introduced to and naturalized in parts of eastern Canada. You can help reverse this trend by planting great native plants in your garden. Helenium elegans var. Stunning in wildflower gardens. They surround a dark brown cone covered with golden pollen that attracts butterflies. Helenium polyphyllum Small is apparently a hybrid between H. Perennials, 30—100 cm. Helenium flexuosum. 5. Review Subject Required. About 25 percent of the plant species native to North America are at risk of extinction. Resembling daisies, the cheerful blooms consist of a skirt of short, notched ray petals surrounding a central orange cone covered with. This variety of sneezeweed is native to the eastern and central United States. Genus: Helenium. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. • A sesquiterpene lactone compound is a 15-carbonThe Indiana Plants Atlas is a source of data for the distribution of plants within the state as well as taxonomic, conservation, invasive, and wetland information for each species. It is a plant growing in damp areas up to about 3 feet tall, branching in the upper part of the plant. It prefers full sun and wet soil that resembles its typical native habitat along streams, ponds, and moist open meadows. Stems terminate in numerous 2” daisy-like heads. When these plants are eaten for several days, they may inhibit biotransformation processes in. They surround a chocolate brown cone covered with golden pollen that attracts butterflies. Curated and maintained by: USDA NRCS National Plant Data Team. Not only can the plant turn the milk of cattle bitter, but ingestion. Date: 17 Jul 1970Similar species: Purple-head sneezeweed (Helenium flexuosum) and Common sneezeweed (Helenium autumnale). The clay-loam soil in the trial garden has an average pH of 6. Helenium flexuosum, commonly known as Purplehead sneezeweed, is found in eastern states, stretching from Florida north to Maine and as far west as Texas. Helenium flexuosum (Purple-headed Sneezeweed) Rating Required. Helenium flexuosum is a perennial herb up to 100 cm (40 inches) tall. Salt Spray Tolerance: Low/no tolerance of salty wind or direct salt spray. Purple top Sneezeweed $ 3. Summer bloomer. The speices name flexuosum is Latin for pliant and is likely in reference to its bendable square stems. Seed. The Trial Garden is maintained with the home gardener in mind. 00 – $ 930. The species H. Cypress Spurge is listed in the Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States. Cada cabeça possui até 700 floretes de disco amarelos ou roxos, às vezes sem floretes de raio, às vezes com 8 a 13 floretes de raio amarelo, vermelho, roxo ou marrom. يحتوي كل رأس على ما يصل إلى 700 florets على القرص الأصفر أو الأرجواني ، وأحيانًا بدون florets شعاع ، وأحيانًا مع 8-13 florets شعاع. See also: Helenium cultivars 'Biedermeier' 'Dunkle Pracht' 'Fiesta' 'Indianersommer' 'Wonadonga' Weiterführende Weblinks. Depending on the variety, they can reach from 3 to 5 feet (90-150 cm) in height and 2 to. A short-lived perennial, so allow to reseed. Name Required. Weight. Wood - shortleaf sneezeweed P: Helenium campestre Small - oldfield sneezeweed P: Helenium drummondii H. org. Family - Asteraceae/Heliantheae. flexuosum. You can also include plants that have. Hoary Vervain $ 3. . inddAttract bees, butterflies, and birds to your backyard with Purplehead Sneezeweed (Helenium flexuosum). Plant number: 1. If you are looking for just the right plants to grow. Native to a large part of the United States, Helenium flexuosum has been introduced to and naturalized in parts of eastern Canada. Helenium flexuosum. Purple-head sneezeweed (Helenium flexuosum) leaves are mostly erect. Fall Color: USDA PLANTS Range Map. Leaves are lance shaped or elliptical and about 5” long. The blossoms terminate these stems. Helenium flexuosum, commonly known as Purplehead sneezeweed, is found in eastern states, stretching from Florida north to Maine and as far west as Texas. Most grow easily from seed. Forms upright clumps, up to 36-40 in. 1 [Helenium autumnale L. Helenium ‘Kokarde’ (Sneezeweed) 33. autumnale, with ray flowers numbering mostly 13-21 per capitulum, carpellate, disk flowers yellow, and leaf blades coarsely toothed). NCBI BLAST name: eudicots Rank: species Genetic code: Translation table 1 (Standard) Mitochondrial genetic code: Translation table 1 (Standard)USDA Plants DatabaseHere are the main care requirements for growing helenium: Plant helenium in a location with full sun and well-drained, moist, acidic soil. Familia: Asteraceae. Helenium flexuosum – Bloom period: August to October. These native originals are the best choice, as they co-evolved with specific. Heads (1–)5–50 (–80); pappi of aristate scales. americana coralbellsCommon sneezeweed Helenium autumnale native Purple-head sneezeweed Helenium flexuosum native A complete list of plants with accompanying photos and cultural information is For more information, visit the Growing Small Farms website at under construction on Cooperative Extension's Growing. Helenium flexuosum Raf. This highly decorative and adaptable herbaceous perennial is greatly valued for its nectar-rich flowers, popular with a great variety of bees, butterflies, beneficial wasps and songbirds. You will get Helenium flexuosum, PURPLE-HEADED SNEEZEWEED, purple sneezeweed, bulk wholesale, seeds for planting~f Bloom Time August, September, October Bloom Color Yellow USDA Zones 3-10 Seeds/Packet 500 Seeds/Ounce 155,000 Life Cycle Perennial Sun Exposure Full, Partial Soil Moisture Wet, Medium-Wet, Medium Height 3Helenium flexuosum is a compact perennial that typically grows 3' tall, with remarkable daisy-like flowers. 5. Helenium flexuosum is a compact perennial that typically grows 3' tall, with remarkable daisy-like flowers. Erected by U. This reaction was believed to clear. Helenium Salsa - Common name: Helen's Flower - Spicy salsa red/orange petals surround a dark maroon and yellow cone. Helenium is a genus of annuals and herbaceous perennials having yellow or orange-to-red daisy-like flowers. Some species can be grown from stem cuttings. Helenium flexuosum Taxonomy ID: 53721 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid53721) current name. The habit of Helenium flexuosum (purple sun bride) Plant height: 12-14″ (80 to 90 cm) Growth habit: upright, leafy stems without a basal tuft of leaves. flexuosum – This eastern sneezeweed species, commonly called purple-headed sneezeweed, is native throughout the entire eastern and mid-western parts of the U. Pinch plants in the spring to encourage branching. Blooming primarily in summer and autumn. Habitat : Moist to wet. Plant Finder; Lawn, Landscape & Garden Design. S. : Withlacoochee State Forest. Mountain mint prefers rich loamy moist soil with good drainage in full sun to partial shade. Helenium flexuosum Taxonomy ID: 53721 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid53721) current name. See above for USDA hardiness. Ruellia strepens Linnaeus * MA, MI, PA, WI SMOOTH RUELLIA, aka Limestone Petunia, Limestone Wild Petunia, Rustling Wild Petunia (strepens rustling, making noise, from Latin strepo, strepĕre to make a noise)Nursery Plant List and Germination Codes Chart page 5 Blue Grama Bouteloua gracilis A Blue Joint Grass Calamagrostis canadensis A,D Blue Sage Salvia azurea A Blue Vervain Verbena hastata C(30),D Blue Wild Indigo Baptisia australis C(10),H,I Blue-Ridge Buckbean Thermopsis caroliniana A,H,I Blunt Spike Rush Eleocharis obtusa C,DHelenium 'Biedermeier' produces eye-catching flowers, 2 in. It is a perennial and grows primarily in the temperate biome. 00 Purple-headed sneezeweed (does not cause allergies) is a smaller more dainty cousin to the big common sneezeweed (Helenium autumnale). Viola macloskeyi. Data Source. Genus: Helenium L. Known as Sneezeweed because the flowers were pulverized to make a snuff that induced sneezing. Native CC = 3 CW = 0 MOC = 58. Autumn Sneezeweed was known in Europe by 1729, and soon. Some species can be grown from stem cuttings. Bot. H. Helenium flexuosum Raf. adjectival suffix for nouns: possessive of or likeness of something (with, shaped, made)/ for verb participles: a completed action, -ed. Släktnamnet kommer från "helenion", en grekisk växt uppkallad efter Helen av Troja. Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type Notes; Helenium nudiflorum. 3 Ray flowers present; disc flowers either yellow or with. Helenium vernale. Helenium has an undeserved reputation as a cause of hayfever and fall allergies. Its pollen is distributed by insects, not wind. Helenium 'Mardi Gras' PP15124 sneezeweed . In high wind or heavy rain, the stalks may need support. pinnatifidum. It has greenish stems that are angular and winged. A late-season bloomer, Purple-head Sneezeweed is an important plant for pollinators as they prepare for winter. Lookalikes - H. The record derives from TICA (data supplied on 2012-02-11) which reports it as an accepted name (record 0DC20D45-2560-42DF-AFE8-EC467CB7513C) with original publication details: New Fl. View county names by placing the cursor over the map. Helenium nudiflorum var. Helenium has an undeserved reputation as a cause of hayfever and fall allergies. Florida. Helenium flexuosum Asteraceae Helianthus annuus Asteraceae Helianthus grosseseratus Asteraceae Helianthus hirsutus Asteraceae Helianthus maximilianii Asteraceae Helianthus mollis Asteraceae Helianthus occidentalis Asteraceae Helianthus tuberosus Asteraceae Heliopsis helianthoides Asteraceae. 00 – $ 250. A native perennial, this 2-to-3-foot species (Helenium flexuosum) is so attractive that it’s often mistaken for better known exotic perennials. autumnale are yellow. Arts 9: 203 (1874) Helenium quadridentatum Hook. Densely branched, this Helenium features sturdy stems that rarely require staking! Blooms for 6-8 weeks from midsummer to fall. • map Helianthus divaricatus L. In former times, people often used snuff to induce sneezing in the belief that it would purge the body of evil. Photo taken: Saratoga Co. ‘Fuego’ is compact and reached a height of 2’ in our trial. purplehead sneezeweed. Disk florets are purple or brownish-purple. Salt Water Flooding Tolerance: Not salt tolerant of inundation by salty or brackish water. long (15 cm), and topped with eye-catching daisy flowers. hoopesii, and H. Jump to navigation Jump to searchAnnuals or perennials, 10–160 cm. Uncopyrighted Draft 5 Associates: Attracts songbirds, game birds, small mammals, hummingbirds, butterflies, and hummingbird sphinx moths. wide (7 cm). The semi-double and overlapping nature of this cultivar’s lemon-yellow petals adds considerable volume to. Linnaeus gave this family of plants the genus name "Helenium" in honor of Helen of Troy, remembering the myth that her tears produced a similar plant on the island of Pharos. The PLANTS Database includes the following 57 data sources of Helenium flexuosum Raf. It is widespread across much of eastern and central United States and Canada, from Nova Scotia west to Ontario, Minnesota, and Kansas, south to Florida, Louisiana, and eastern Texas. The website also provides access to a database and images of plants photos and herbarium specimens found at participating herbaria. Remove the seeds from the heads by rubbing then shake through a screen to remove chaff. Helenium flexuosum, commonly called purple-headed sneezeweed, is most easily distinguished from other sneezeweeds by its spherical, brownish-purple center disk. Helenium microcephalum. Resource Type. Treatment appears in FNA Volume 21. NOTE: orange = species presence | grey = species not observed. Tropicos. 00 Houstonia purpurea (Mountain Bluets)Plant number: 1. Helenium autumnale - sneezeweed. Helenium flexuosum - Photos Resize Photo . Some native flowering perennials will also germinate easily without a pretreatment including: Allium candense (Wild garlic), Echinacea purpurea (Purple coneflower), Helenium autumnale (Sneezeweed),. Plant Highlights Purple-headed Sneezeweed Published August 18, 2020 Purple-headed sneezeweed ( Helenium flexuosum) is a native wildflower in most of the eastern U. Helenium bolanderi A. a hybrid of Helenium flexuosum and Helenium autumnale until genetics work re-solved its identity in 2000. Common Sneezeweed blooms quite late in the year, providing some fall color when other plants have finished blooming. Purple-Headed Sneezeweed (Helenium flexuosum) Description: This herbaceous perennial wildflower is 1½–3' tall with each stem branching occasionally in the upper half. Helenium flexuosum Raf. 00 Helenium flexuosum (Purple-headed Sneezeweed) $8. jpg (1 of 1) For more information, contact: David Werier or Kyle WebsterspeciesHelenium flexuosum. Helenium flexuosum. wide (7 cm), with rich golden honey petals, touched with a distinct orange hue. Missouri Botanical Garden. 00 Heliopsis helianthoides (Ox-Eye Sunflower) $8. Hasteola suaveolens - false Indian plantain. Helenium flexuosum is a North American plant species in the daisy family known by the common name purple sneezeweed. Rock 1957). The plant is quite striking when in full flower. It is easily grown from seed and has high germination rates when sowing fresh seed shallowly in flats in a greenhouse. Helenium flexuosum Rafinesque, New Fl. Key to Helenium. The website also provides access to a database and images of plants photos and herbarium specimens found at participating herbaria. Here is a list of sun-loving native annuals and perennials that are well-suited for plantings in gardens of Virginia's Capital Region. The leaves are lance-shaped, pale green, and are clasped around the. A number of these species (particularly Helenium autumnale) have the common name sneezeweed, based on the former use of their dried leaves in making snuff. See this plant in the following landscape: Cultivars / Varieties:Helenium flexuosum, commonly called purple-headed sneezeweed, is most easily distinguished from other sneezeweeds by its spherical, brownish-purple center disk. Photographed By Devry Becker Jones , January 17, 2020. Entry From. The website also provides access to a database and images of plants photos and herbarium specimens found at participating herbaria. Specimen. across (5 cm), adorned with a skirt of reflexed rays and a prominent, dark-purple center disk. Helenium flexuosum also has purple disk flowers but its stems are winged, while those of Gaillardia are not. This plant is very adaptable to a variety of soils but usually found on damp, acidic soils in full sun. Data Documentation. This low-maintenance flower is deer resistant and does well in most soils. Common Name: Purple-headed Sneezeweed Full sun, wet to medium moisture level, adapted to most soils including clay, moderately acid to neutral pH. Gorgeous, two-toned petals unfurl in shades of yellow, orange, rust and mahogany, revealing a strong and sturdy center cone. drummondii and H. The large disk is brownish or purplish and dome-shaped to nearly spherical. There are five primary types of pappus structures each with two or more subtypes: bristles, which can be arranged in one or more rows and range from feathery (subplumose or plumose) to barbed (capillary barbellate or scabrous barbellate)Helenium autumnale : Common sneezeweed Helenium flexuosum : purple-headed sneezeweed Hibiscus moscheutos : Swamp mallow Hibiscus palustris – Hardy Hibiscus Hypericum prolificum : shrubby St John's wort Liatris aspera : Tall, Rough blazing star Maianthemum canadense – Canada Mayflower, False Lily of the Valley Panicum. This species is particularly problematic because it can. Wikispecies has an entry on: Helenium. Special Features. H. elegans Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey Annuals or perennials, 10–160 cm. campestre (perennial, 2n = 28) and some member of Helenium sect. Helenium flexuosum 'Tiny Dancer' This great floriferous and low-growing native is very attractive in the garden and in flower arrangements. Please register or login to build your personal plant list. Bright yellow daisy-like flowers. Yellow petals are lavishly edged with bright orange-red, aging to clear red edged in gold, all surrounding deep chestnut cones. They are especially valuable late summer into fall, when few perennials are at their peak. The central disk is large, globular and composed of purple florets. Helenium flexuosum Raf. This compound is poisonous to various animals but has anti-cancer properties. Email Required. 繁體中文1. , 2012 ). Helenium flexuosum, commonly called purple-headed sneezeweed, is most easily distinguished from other sneezeweeds by its spherical, brownish-purple center disk. A similar species, Helenium flexuosum (Purple-Headed Sneezeweed), differs from Common Sneezeweed by having disk florets that are purple, rather than yellow, and its foliage is more soft-hairy. FAC (Facultative, 34-66%) indicates roughly equal probabilites of finding the species growing. These bitter compounds cause irritation to the mouth and digestive tract resulting in salivation, vomiting and diarrhea. NWI TN: Facultative Wetland Common Name: purplehead sneezeweed *Non-native taxon known to be naturalized in Tennessee All names & statuses follow the Guide to the Vascular Plants of Tennessee (2015). Helenium flexuosumは高さ40インチまでの多年生草本です。 1つの植物で、分岐アレイに80個以上の頭花を生成できます。各頭部には、最大700個の黄色または紫色のディスク小花があり、時には光線小花がなく、時には8-13個の黄色、赤、紫、または茶色の小花があります。 1. RHS Plants for Pollinators plants. 600. Category: Perennials Water Requirements: Average Water Needs; Water. Helenium flexuosum Raf. Although it is not listed as invasive in native habitats, it is reported as a weed of rice fields, rubber, oil palm and tea plantations (USDA-APHIS-PPQ, 2009). Unlike other cultivars, we found Helenium flexuosum to be a prolific self-seeder in the garden. Create a Login Forgot Password. They surround a prominent chocolate brown center disk covered with golden pollen that attracts butterflies. Yellow petals with faint apricot streaks are offset by espresso colored cones. Helenium flexuosum 2 more photos VIEW GALLERY 4 members have or want this plant for trade. The Trial Garden is maintained with the home gardener in mind. Description. Purple-head Sneezeweed (Helenium flexuosum) John Law / Getty Images. USDA-ARS GRIN Taxonomy: search W3TROPICOS: Vascular Tropicos: Helenium. Lawn & Turf Topics; Landscaping; Garden Design; Edible GardeningSneezeweed. org 2018. Multiple plants of each taxa are grown in a 15,000 sq. This compact variety is part of the Mariachi™ series and features deep, true red petals surrounding a brown cone. 1 mi. Liatris spicata, Bidens frondosa, Gaillardia spp. Helenium amarum (Yellow Sneezeweed) is a bushy annual bringing weeks of color from mid-spring to early fall. HEL02F. Online: Sale begins Aug 28. 1 Stem leaves very numerous, 0. 1838. Stems usually 1, usually branched distally, strongly winged, glabrous or sparsely hairy proximally, sparsely to moderately hairy distally. Easily grown in full sun. Very attractive as cut flowers. Compact and densely branched, Helenium 'Rubinzwerg' features masses of cheerful rich mahogany red daisylike flowers that surround a green disk that matures to dark chocolate and opens with a rim of golden anthers. Other top plants included two species: the especially long-flowering and compact Helenium flexuosum, as well as the late-season H. Seed was gathered in the hills on the east side of Antigua, Sacatepequez. NCBI BLAST name: eudicots Rank: species Genetic code: Translation table 1 (Standard) Mitochondrial genetic code: Translation table 1 (Standard)Euphorbia cyparissias, also known as Cypress spurge, is considered invasive in many parts of North America. Helenium ‘Salsa’ is one such compact cultivar in the. Actual Size; Fit to Browser Window; 50%; 200%; 400%; Photo by: Jacqueline Donnelly. Origin: Native. Flora of North America, Vol 21, Names. sect. The most toxic species is Helenium microcephalum - smallhead sneezeweed - as little as 0. Viola macloskeyi. Plant pick-up Sept 9 by appointment only. It is native to the southeastern United States, growing in wetlands and along stream banks. It can grow 12 IN - 18 IN - wide 18 IN - 36 IN - tall. Mag. Buy Plants. Golden yellow reflexed petals encircle a. Plant Finder; Lawn, Landscape & Garden Design. The pigmentation is so saturated that the rays appear to have a soft, velvety texture. An illustrated flora of the Pacific States. Purplehead sneezeweed, hélénie nudiflore . Locality: USA. Hassler, M. The Mt. S. It is in flower from August to October. It is an erect, clump-forming perennial that is native to the eastern and midwestern U. Leveleik általában sötét-zöldek és lándzsa alakúak. Contains 7 accepted taxa overall. Helenium flexuosum Raf. In Missouri, it typically occurs in moist soils along streams, sink hole ponds, sloughs. Storred. Helenium flexuosum هو عشب دائم يصل طوله إلى 40 بوصة. Wildflowers Veronicastrum virginicum. RHS Plants for Pollinators plants. 20. The flowers, 3 in. In this study, we systematically identified potential H. Flowering earlier than most Heleniums, Helenium hoopesii (Orange Sneezeweed) is a North American native which produces branched clusters of bright golden yellow flowers, 3 in. Similar species: Purple-head sneezeweed (Helenium flexuosum) and Common sneezeweed (Helenium autumnale). 5. It has the following synonyms: Helenium nudiflorum Nutt. Helenium flexuosum Daisy family Joe-Pye weed Eutrochium sp. 1838. This. D. Structures I and XX have been assigned to them. Helenium flexuosum Raf. Curated and maintained by: USDA NRCS National. Create Your Garden;. Keep the soil moist and water as needed. Sida 13: 453–459. It is in flower from August to October. amarum and H. Helenium flexuosum. Tetrodus that has a chromosome number of 2n = 28 is H. The flowerheads are many, with 8–13 yellow ray florets that are fan-shaped, notched, and reflexed downward. flexuosum. always flooded extremely dry. Helenium mexicanum is a perennial herb up to 150 cm (5 feet) tall. Various insects feed on the leaves, the pith of the stems, and other parts, including the caterpillars of the Dainty Sulfur butterfly and several moths and weevils. It is widespread across much of eastern and central United States and Canada, from Nova Scotia west to Ontario, Minnesota, and Kansas, south to Florida, Louisiana, and eastern Texas. Monographers treated H. Last Revised by: USDA NRCS National Plant Data Team. Despite its common name, it presents no problems for most allergy sufferers. They have a shallow root system and will not thrive with periodic dry spells. Occurrence ID (GUID) urn:uuid:5bb883a0-5c48-43cf-8a7e-4caa79441c88. S. Purple-headed sneezeweed is a perennial wildflower with branching, winged stems. Je dělený asi do 32 druhů a některé se pěstují jako okrasné. It is distinguished from other Helenium species by its prominent purplish-brown center disks. Description. Kingdom. The most toxic species is Helenium microcephalum - smallhead sneezeweed - as little as 0. Wikispecies Informationen zu: Helenium. Subspecific taxa: Classification: Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Asterales Asteraceae. Helenium flexuosum (Southern Sneezeweed) Helianthus angustifolius (Narrow-leaved Sunflower) Helianthus giganteus (Giant Sunflower) Hibiscus moschuetos (Swamp Rose Mallow) – tall and robust with white to pink flowers. Facts. 각 헤드에는 최대 700 개의 노랑 또는 자주색 디스크 작은 꽃이 있으며 때로는 광선 작은 꽃이 없으며 때로는 8-13 개의 노랑, 빨강. An exceptionally long and prolific bloomer, award-winner Helenium ‘Sahin’s Early Flowerer’ features cheerful daisylike flowers with long petals surrounding a prominent chocolate brown center disk covered with golden pollen and attracts butterflies. Establishment and Care Instructions. Helenium is a genus of annuals and herbaceous perennial plants in the family Asteraceae, native to the Americas. S. HELENIUM flexuosum | Purple-headed Sneezeweed | 80 cm, yellow with brown disc, early flowering, healthy and upright habit, VI-IX, Z3-9Here is a list of South Carolina native annuals and perennials that are well-suited for plantings in sunny gardens. Danh pháp hai phần. Helenium flexuosum - ShootPLANT DESCRIPTION: Helenium autumnale is an erect branched perennial with stout green winged stems and shallow fibrous roots. Lactating animals eating bitterweeds may have bitter-tasting milk. Seeds are available through the Florida Wildflowers Growers Cooperative - H. Helenium flexuosum. Endemic. purpureum A. statewide. CalFlora: Information on California plants for education, research and conservation. 4: 81 (1838) This species is accepted The native range of this species is E. 5” flowers on this 1’ to 3’ plant have drooping yellow petals. Opening orange-red, the petals fade progressively to orange and yellow as they mature. purplehead sneezeweed. Records per Page: View a List of All Ecological Communities.